At first it came just as another spam from a competitor. Then as HootSuite's April Fool. In fact - it is one of the worth mailings ever sent.
From: Ryan Holmes
Date: 2011/4/1
Subject: HootSuite Pivot - CONFIDENTIAL & INTERNALBoard, Investors and Friends,
Things have been going really well at HootSuite for the last while, but after watching the massive growth of Zynga and the likes, I've been thinking a lot about if we are in the right business? Building on top of third party platforms can be challenging, and the team and I want a change. I know that this will come as a surprise, but as of today we're pivoting business models with the launch of Happy Owls (screenshot and link to private beta below). This game is really addictive and I think we stand a great shot of making an even bigger splash in a really fun market.
As always I appreciate your support, and please keep confidential until our public announcement on Monday.
Ryan Holmes, CEO
HootSuite - Social Media Dashboard to info@xxxx.xx: unsubscribe | update profile | forward to a friend
From: Ryan Holmes
Date: 2011/4/1
Subject: Re: HootSuite Pivot - CONFIDENTIAL & INTERNALThe prior email entitled HootSuite Pivot was sent to you in error. It was intended to be sent only to our Board, Investors and Advisors and is highly confidential. Please delete and ignore.
Thanks for using HootSuite, and have a great day!
Ryan Holmes, CEO
HootSuite - Social Media DashboardSent to info@xxxx.xx: unsubscribe | update profile | forward to a friend
Jingly link:$3V
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