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Dotted brands

Even without domain names, dotted brands are en vogue these days. The Economist makes use of all possible .views sections: art.view, asia.view, business.view, europe.view, green.view, tech.view,  you name it.

While trotting Ukraine our colleagues found two local emerging brands, though we need to acknowledge their high potential considering proper marketing campaigns, - they can easily go worldwide.

One is "ice.t" developed by sandmartindesign:

ice.t lemon

ice.t lemon


ice.t logo

ice.t s

ice.t raspberry

Another one is Tuborg beer's campaign "Відео.FUN.І.Я" ("Video.FUN.and.Me"):

Вiдео.FUN.I.Я background

Вiдео.FUN.I.Я background

Tuborg's street-ad: "Bідео.FUN.І.Я"

Tuborg's street-ad: "Bідео.FUN.І.Я"

Open bundled references in tabs:

Jingly link:$2B

Posted in Lessons, Photos.

4 Responses

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  1. Love the video. Very professional!!!

  2. Marko said

    I believe it all has started with SONY’s “”

  3. Marko said

    And now SONY is all about “make.believe”:

  4. Marko said

    A good article on online brands: