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SONY’s make.believe explained

On 2nd of September 2009, Sony Corporation announced "make.believe", a new group-wide brand message that was supposed to unite Sony's communication initiatives across electronics, games, movies, music, mobile phones and network services. The introduction of "make.believe" symbolised Sony's spirit of creativity and innovation and marked the first time the Company had introduced a unified brand message encompassing both entertainment and electronics. It is a clear get away from, though SONY's love for "dotted" jingles prevails.

The campaign is accompanied now with the video trailer consolidating company's versatile products:

"Believe" represents Sony's ideas and ideals - the ability to think, imagine and dream - while "make" signifies the Company's unique ability to turn these ideas into reality. The "dot" is where inspiration meets creativity and creativity meets reality, and symbolizes Sony's role in bringing imagination to reality. "make.believe" will manifest itself through the introduction of breakthrough products, game-changing technologies, compelling new content and new network services that deliver unparalleled user experiences.

Jingly link:$2M

Posted in Press-releases. Tagged with .

2 Responses

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  1. Marko said

    Now they are into

    And a bit of anything.goes:

Continuing the Discussion

  1. .ME of course « Who.Unfollowed.Me linked to this post on June 29, 2010

    […] e.g., SONY, used similar jingles in their advertisement: “” and “make.believe” for […]