Surprise, surprise, looks like Philips really liked this blogging portal and decided to borrow the idea when on 23 of April 2009 it officially launched its new advertising campaign "Philips of course".

Although, Philips needs to work better on the search engine optimisation: the official web page does not appear in the first 10 results in the popular online search site. The first in the Google ranking is "Philips of Course (PoC)" blog also hosted on this portal.
While Philips may tackle well various technical aspects, its marketing is still a long mile behind the industry leaders.

The question is: would you buy the most sophisticated techie products from this guy?
Posted in Lessons.
Tagged with Philips.
An informative article by Brands-and-Jingles about how Danone, Nestlé et al eun their bottled water campaigns and what can be improved:
Posted in Articles.
Tagged with Danone, Nestlé.
On 7th of April 2009, CBS Outdoor registered domain timetoconsider.co.uk and a week later it already spread some teaser-posters on the London Tube walls:

A teaser it is, the web site itself asks its visitors to answer four questions and voluntarily to leave a comment.
"Now you've had time to consider"

So far they have gathered some 300 comments, a pricey survey for all the advertisiment. One can wonder where to does this project lead in the end of the day?
Posted in Lessons, Photos.
Tagged with London, teaser, Tube.
A very good article describing some changes in the wind in online marketing. Read the full story on:
Posted in Articles, Lessons.
Ever wondered why is that Hewlett Packard struggling all the times?
Just have a look at their "hp" logo:

And now upside down ("dy"):

Because it jingles well with "die"!
A company is in desperate need of rebranding.
Posted in Lessons.
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