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Mercedes Benz commercial 2010 – Sorry

Does any one know why did Mercedes Benz put SEO350 on the number plates?

Posted in Videos.

Know Your Meme: Single Serving Sites

In addition to our recent coverage of "" acquisition by Yahoo!, the other "meme" is briefing you on the power of single serving sites. Some of them have marketing potential indeed.


Posted in Lessons, Videos.

SONY’s make.believe explained

On 2nd of September 2009, Sony Corporation announced "make.believe", a new group-wide brand message that was supposed to unite Sony's communication initiatives across electronics, games, movies, music, mobile phones and network services. The introduction of "make.believe" symbolised Sony's spirit of creativity and innovation and marked the first time the Company had introduced a unified brand message encompassing both entertainment and electronics. It is a clear get away from, though SONY's love for "dotted" jingles prevails.


Posted in Press-releases. Tagged with .

Dotted brands

Even without domain names, dotted brands are en vogue these days. The Economist makes use of all possible .views sections: art.view, asia.view, business.view, europe.view, green.view, tech.view,  you name it.

While trotting Ukraine our colleagues found two local emerging brands, though we need to acknowledge their high potential considering proper marketing campaigns, - they can easily go worldwide.

One is "ice.t" developed by sandmartindesign:

ice.t lemon

ice.t lemon


Posted in Lessons, Photos.

Lessons from

RE_ advertisement (part one)

RE_ advertisement (part one) {click to zoom in}

Re_ acciona brand and domain name may be not the best of their class, however, they both serve as good proof that on their quest to attract the customers marketeers are once again opening new dimensions.

The tag line goes like:

Re_ is a commitment. To supplying water, energy and infrastructure for a sustainable future. It is an attitude.That of 35'000 people in 35 countries who believe innovation is the only way to advance and contribute to everyone's progress.

But Re_ is above all an invitation. To start doing the thousands of things we need to do together. And to do so now.

If you want to know what we are doing, visit

RE_ advertisement (part two)

RE_ advertisement (part two) {click to zoom in}, a boring .com is not enough any more these days. You need to impress, say "".

Posted in Articles, Lessons.